
Chris is available to speak at events and share his story, talking about resilience and overcoming adversity, living with a disability, and motivating and inspiring your audience to never give up.

To book Chris for a speaking engagement please contact Jane at Great British Speakers.

Telephone: 01753 439289

Email: jane@greatbritishspeakers.co.uk

See Chris’ speaker profile at Great British Speakers.

about chris

Chris Fisher RPT, known as the Blind Woodturner, is the only completely blind professional woodturner in the UK and the first accredited blind woodturner to be listed on the Register of Professional Turners.

The first Patron for the charity UK Men’s Sheds Association, Chris travels around the country giving public woodturning demonstrations and sharing his story.

Chris is available for public speaking engagements where he will talk about his journey to become a blind woodturner, how he dealt with crippling anxiety before turning a corner and beginning to rebuild his life, and why he doesn’t want his eyesight back!

This is the archetypal Hero’s Journey and demonstrates that, whatever you might encounter in your life, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it’s the most challenging circumstances that can transform you into the person you were always meant to be.

Please read Chris’ bio for more information about him.

chris tells his story

Interview with Holly Hartley on The Rediscovery of Me Life Stories podcast.

footage from Shedfest 2019

Chris talks about the wellbeing benefits of making.

why Chris doesn’t want his eyesight back

Featured in a film by Shira Pinson for BBC Reel – I don’t want my eyesight back.